P.O. Box 45, Harveys Lake, PA 18618 




Membership eligibility will be open to Harveys Lake property owners and/or business owners. All prospective members will apply for membership through the membership committee and will become members upon acceptance of their application at any regular or special meeting of the Association. 



Annual   *  Business  *  Lifetime


The dues will be $30 for all Annual Membership which will be defined as a family unit or individual member and will be entitled to one vote in Association business matters.  A family unit will have its vote cast by one designated active member.

Dues for a Business Membership will also be $30 and only one formally designated person with one vote, eligible to hold one office; will represent the business or group membership classification.  The designated active member of a business does not have to be a resident of Harveys Lake but the business must operate a physical location or own property within the boundaries of Harveys Lake Borough.

Lifetime Memberships will make a one-time non-refundable dues payment of $500.  Lifetime sustaining members will be subject to the same rules and privileges as annual members.

All annual dues will be based on the calendar year and will be due and payable on the first day of January of each year.  Members joining after October 1st will be credited with paid membership for the following calendar year. Any members who fail to pay Association dues by March 31st must re-apply for membership.







I (we) request consideration for membership in the Harveys Lake Protective Association and commit that I (we) are current property owners or a business owner operating within the boundaries of Harveys Lake Borough.


Name(s):  ________________________________________________________________________________ 

Harveys Lake Address: _____________________________________________________________________


 Preferred Mailing Address (year round only):

 ___________________________________________________ __________________________________


Telephone Numbers and E-mail address (held confidential for HLPA business purposes only)

Home Phone: ________________________________

Lake Phone: __________________________________

Cell Phone:__________________________________

Work Phone:__________________________________

E-Mail Address:______________________________

Signature: ____________________________________


                                   Return with Annual Membership Dues in the amount of $30.00 to:

                                               Harveys Lake Protective Association

                                                P.O. Box 45

                                                Harveys Lake, PA 18618

HLPA email = harveyslakepa@yahoo.com


New Member Application Form