Harveys Lake Protective Association

Dock Ice Damage Self-Insurance Program 2010


Updated 11-20-09


  1. All participants must be members of the HLPA and in good standing.


  1. Coverage is available only to residential docks, and not available to commercial businesses or rental slips.  Docks under construction cannot be insured while under construction.  Only fully intact docks are eligible for insurance.  Poles must be at least eight (8) inches in diameter.


  1. The annual fee is increased to $25 per front pole per dock, including any offset areas, with a minimum fee of $125.  All annual premiums are due in full prior to the first day of the year for which insurance is purchased.


  1. Claims must be submitted in writing and signed by the owner(s) and include:
    1. Photographs (which may be taken by contractor) of damage, including:

(1)  Photos of damage from both sides, from neighbors’ dock.

                        (2)  Photos of damage as dock is disassembled.

    1. Photographs (may be taken by contractor) of repairs, including photos of the repair in progress.
    2. Contractor’s invoice with detail for materials and valid license.
    3. Contractor’s sketch of the damage which must be prepared as part of the estimate.  


  1. Poles must be damaged to the point where replacement is required.  If poles are pushed but do not have to be replaced, claimant will be paid for actual approved repair costs to surrounding wood members, up to $600.  Claimant must submit contractor’s estimate or invoice detailing the straightening of pushed pole and the repairs to adjacent wood joists and decking.


  1. Payments will be made in lump sum per pole.  Total amount to be paid per pole with wood members is $600.  The fund will never pay out more than 80% of reserves.  In the event of an extraordinary number of simultaneous claims, the amount of each valid claim will be reduced proportionately.


  1. In case of disputes, and when deemed appropriate by the Trustees, a professional insurance adjuster may be hired to settle claims.  The adjuster shall determine the validity and amount of the claim.  Claimant may appeal the adjuster’s decision to the Board of Trustees, who will render the final decision.


  1. All participants acknowledge that this program is not a perfect system, nor is it intended to cover the entire amount of a loss, but only as reimbursement to assist with repair expenses.  The claim paid shall be the sole remedy for the claim.


  1. The deductible is $100.



  1. The Association must be notified in writing of all damage by July 31st of each insurance year.  All claims must be submitted with supporting documentation by September 30th of each insurance year.  Claims submitted with missing or incomplete documentation will not be reviewed.  The total of all claims made will be assessed.  All valid claims will be paid by the end of the year in which claim was made.


  1. Residents who owned a dock at the start of the program will be assessed a fee of $100 for each year, maximum $300, upon applying for insurance.  This fee does not apply to new dock owners.  For participants who drop coverage and reapply, credit will be given for years paid, if within the past last three (3) years.


  1. All applications must be accompanied by a check for payment in full.  Applications from new participants (first time) must include two (2) current photos of existing dock.  Any existing pole damage must be disclosed with the application.  Trustees of the fund will visit all docks to verify all information.


13.  Any and all modifications to existing docks must be supported by description as well as by photos.


  1. The maximum payout per claimant will be $3,000, subject to the 80% rule, as described in part 6.  This amount may be increased in future years, if and when the funds in reserve increase sufficiently.  The Trustees of the fund will make this decision.


  1. A Financial Institution selected by the Trustees will serve as custodian of the funds.  All claim payments will be made from the Trustees’ account.


  1. A resolution must be signed by a majority of the Trustees to approve payment of any valid claim.


  1. The money in the fund cannot be used for any reason other than payment of claims, legal, bank, adjuster’s fees, and administrative expenses.


  1. All interest accrued by the fund will remain in the fund.


  1. The beginning date of the fund is January 1, 2004.


  1. The fund shall have no liability whatsoever, other than dock pile and wood member damage.


  1. The current President and Treasurer of the HLPA shall be Trustees of the fund along with four (4) other HLPA members in good standing appointed each year by the Nominating Committee and approved by a majority of the members attending the annual meeting of the HLPA.


  1. All participants must properly maintain and operate a mechanical ice eating device throughout the ice season.






Please complete each year to keep our records current.


Name(s) of Dock Owner(s) __________________________________________




Dock Address: _____________________________________________________


________ Years at this Address


Year-Around Mailing Address & Phone Number:




__________________________________ ( ________ )________  -   ____________


EMAIL ADDRESS  ____________________@____________________________


Premium:        Number of Front Piles @ $25 each = $_____________ ($125 minimum)


Enclosed check #_______________ amount $_____________________






Enclosed photos (required when applying for the first year & after any additions to dock).  Submit photos of left & right sides as well as front of the dock.


Date photos taken ______ - ______ - __________


If there is any existing damage to a dock, it must be disclosed in writing and attached to the application.  All information will be field verified by the Trustees.



Mail this page by December 31, 2009 with check made payable to:


HLPA Self-Insurance Fund

c/o Nancy Wolfe

RR #1 Box 410

Harveys Lake, PA  18618